Fast: What Do You Have To Lose?

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  • Fat
  • Food comas and lethargy
  • Food porn (pictures of food – eat the food while it’s hot, do the food justice by taking the picture after the meal.)
Kaohsiung Food 1
Guo Jia Zongzi, Kaohsiung – pork sticky rice with egg, peanut sticky rice, pork intestine soup, pork feet soup, savory rice pudding
Kaohsiung Food 2
King’s Uen-Jou Wonton, Kaohsiung – beef and wonton noodle, wonton noodle with shredded pork, fried pork cutlet, pickled cucumber, pickled seaweed, sautéd vegetable, pickled vegetable
Kaohsiung Food 3
Jin Cheng Duck, Kaohsiung – Duck with mung bean noodle in thick broth, duck with rice, duck organ soup, duck liver and duck heart, fish ball soup, duck wing, duck blood with rice, sautéd cabbage, sautéd sweet potato leaves

What do you have to gain?

  • Time spent cooking, cleaning, planning, eating and commuting (foraging for food)
  • Mental clarity
  • Productivity
  • Money
  • Longevity

The human body was designed to starve.  Unfortunately, the rat race keeps us tethered to our breakfast cafes, lunch food trucks and dinner restaurants.  How many places would go out of business if people realized their over consumption is limiting their productivity?  Why is society so growth-centric?

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.  – Edward Abbey

The main source of energy for cancer cells is glucose (sugar).  Positron Emission Tomography scans are used to detect cancer: where there’s a huge uptake of glucose (sugar) there’s cancer.[1]

Vinny Tortorich asked his doctor what was the one thing he could do to prevent cancer:  Stop eating sugar.  

Minute 25:30

Push your limits – become limitless – by limiting your consumption.

In 2010 I fasted for Ramadan with my Lebanese roommate.  I got some backlash from my family – “You’re not Muslim!”  Hands down, one of the best experiences of my life.  Not eating between sunrise and sunset gave me a new perspective on how people structure their life.  I learned we don’t need to eat as often as we eat.  I was more productive at work.

3 meals a day brings the doctor my way.    

Don’t listen to me.  Don’t walk with me down the road – I’m just here to show you there’s a different path.  Do your homework.  Do your research.  Experiment.

But don’t fast and abstain from the things that matter to you. [2]

Stay hungry, stay foolish. – Steve Jobs



The Three-Foot World of the Emoting Machine. Think with the heart. Live hard, train harder, die easy. =」

2 thoughts on “Fast: What Do You Have To Lose?”

  1. Appreciate the support!

    … “Why’s my food cold? Please send this back to the chef!”

    “Dear, you just spent 10 minutes taking pictures of your food from 17 different angles, with and without the wine glasses. I’ve already finished my steak. Your cold rack of lamb can be my dessert.”

    I remember sitting in Miyazato Soba in Okinawa and watching 5 different people from the tables around me take out their phone to snap a picture of their soba noodles for their social media accounts. There are plenty of pictures of the food I ate out there in the virtual world if people are really interested; I don’t need to do what has already been done and take duplicate pictures.

    Besides, food is for eating. Cameras are for … selfies?


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